I have never met Mr. Lloyd Pipersburg in person, but I have spoken to him several times by phone since I became league Secretary. This gentleman, at 78 years, has a wealth of knowledge in regards to the British Honduras Volunteer Guard, and the Belize Volunteer Guard.

Lloyd was first subjected to 'military discipline' whilst attend¬ing Ebenezer school, when he became a member of the 1st Belize Company of Boy's Brigade (Wesley), under the late Major James Locke. It was therefore easy for him at an older age to join the Guard, and ended up in the band as a trumpeter. He had studied music before he joined under Walther Percival Musgrave Lamb. He recalls being the lead trumpeter in the Melody Swingers Band, playing at the Riverside Hall, Pickwick Club and Newtown among other dance halls. He also played with the Imperial band, which played a lot of classical music for shows.

Within the Guard, Lloyd rose to the rank of Warrant Officer Class 1 (Bandmaster), a rank held by very few men! On completion of twelve consecutive years of efficient service, he was presented with the efficiency medal by Sir Peter Stallard, then Governor of Belize, on behalf of Queen Elizabeth 11. One of his Commandants was Lieutenant Colonel T.L. Bowring, who was also in charge of the Public Works.

"If you wanted a job at Public Works, you joined the Volunteer Guard!" Lloyd exclaimed. "You would get to leave work early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, put on your uniform and go to the Militia Headquarters for training."
He believes that the concept of discipline in and out of uniform contributed significantly to indi¬viduals of the Guard being better citizens. Lloyd went on to say that back then, parents and the community acting as guardians, worked together for the common good (discipline) in the rearing of children. The view held was that if you did something wrong, you would be bringing shame on the family.

His wife of 51 years, Olivia Pipersburg nee Amaya, is the daughter of a former Guardsman, Petronillo Amaya. They have three daughters and a son, Lloyd Jr., who has nineteen years service with the New York Police Department. After twenty years service in the Guard, they migrated to the United States of America. Lloyd was a founding member of the Belize Ex -- Servicemen League of New York, and has served as Secretary and President during his time. Presently, he is retired (but not tired!) and residing in Coral Springs, Florida.

The Belize Ex-Servicemen’s League of New York Inc.
is proud to honor
Mr. Lloyd Pipersburgh
in Vol: 3  issue's PROFILE. August 2010
On August 21 of this year we are preparing our second annual day out with our sick and shut in members with a back yard barbeque.

On September 12th the league is sponsoring a church service celebrating the 212th. anniversary of the Battle of St. George's Caye.

On September 18, 2010 we will be celebrating Belize's 29th year of independence with our annual dance.

The league have always and will continue to be of service to our community both here in New York and in Belize.

Our annual donation go to Belway Sporting Club; Toys for Tots in Belize, The Queen of the Bay of New York Committee, The Garifuna Mass organization, The NYBC Organization, The American Red Cross ,The United Negro College Fund, The Belize National Library Service and now we are about to support The Education Department by providing book bags to the schools in the rural ares of Belize.

I urge all members to continue thier support of our efforts whenever possible.

The league held two successful bus ride to Atlantic City. The last outing had three full buses.
I am pleased to report that a female member of The Belize Defense Force has joined us along with three new associate members. As we strive to increase our membership, we also strive to increase our service to our members and community.

I say congratulation to all our members. Let us continue to stand behind our motto: United We Stand and our aim is: Service Not Self.

May God's blessing be with you.
Wesley Bede Pitts Sr. President

                                   FROM THE EDITOR

In providing the necessary captaincy and guidance for the league, I have seen him remain 'calm under fire' and not panic, when events would unfold somewhat different than at first envisioned.

Perhaps it has to do with being retired. Earlier this year, Bede celebrated forty three years of marriage to his lovely wife Rosita, and is as happy as a bedbug! As he prepares to celebrate his 72nd birthday on September 11th, 2010, we at the league want to wish him and Rosita all the best. Happy birthday, Bede!

Inspector Leslie Logan (retired) is in the New York area. Fitzroy Goldson went to visit him recently and informed us that Leslie undergo dialy¬sis treatment three times a week. In reaching out to him as a league, we have included him in our pick up schedule for our sick and shut in barbeque on Saturday August 21st, 2010. Leslie impressed me with his soft spoken, fair and friendly disposition. I look forward to seeing him again.

Knox Cummerbatch, a former Staff Sergeant of the Belize Volunteer Guard and the Belize Defence Force Volunteers, likes to remind me that 'if we fail to plan, we plan to fail'. On our calendar of activities, we planned to take two buses to Atlantic City for our July bus ride. Tickets sold out within two weeks, and the demand by league members and supporters to travel with us, caused us to consider a third bus. All is well that ends well. We secured the third bus, sold the tickets and had a good outing. The only sad part was when one of our supporters, Mr. Rupert Arzu, received a telephone call twenty minutes outside Brooklyn, to say his brother had passed away in Belize. Thanks to those who prepared the bun and cheese, tamales, coconut tarts, and the gift bags for our first time riders. We have already booked three Academy buses for October. Tickets will be available first week in September. First come, first serve!

By Emerson Anderson (League Welfare Officer)

Mr. Raymond SEBASTIAN 718 - 474 - 5200
430 Beach 68th Street, Resort Nursing Home 4th Floor Arverne, New York 11692 (Off Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaway)

Mr. Rafael FORTE 201 - 332 - 2032 - 2954
J F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, New Jersey 07305

Mr. George SLUSHER 718 - 318 - 4084
Goldwater Memorial Hospital, Roosevelt Island, Queens, New York Building #2 3rd Floor

Mr. Keith CLARKE 718 - 778 - 0989
Ruby Weston Manor Nursing Home Room 316 c/o 236 New York Avenue, Apt 2L, Brooklyn New York, 11216

Major Gilroy LEWIS 718 - 647 - 0102
867 Blake Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11207

Mr. Sidney FLOWERS 212 - 860 - 0394
9 East 118th Street Apt 5A, New York, New York 10035

Mr. Philip NEAL 718 - 756 - 7694
84 East 52nd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11203



I was able to retrieve this part of the Guard song from an old guardsman. It is incomplete and may be incorrect in places. If there is anyone out there who can help us to remember, please do so to the: Secretary, Belize Ex —Servicemen League of New York, 84 East 52 St, Brooklyn, NY,11203. (Mr. Raymond Barrow and/or ? Fuller may have been involved in creating the song.)
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The Belize Ex-Servicemen's League
of New York Inc.

by Geoffrey Stephfen

The Belize Ex-Servicemen's League of New York, Inc. was formed in June 1979 under the style and title of The Ex-Volunteer Guard Association of New York and was comprised principally of former members of The British Honduras Volunteer Guard, later renamed The Belize Volunteer Guard. It includes members and former members of The British Honduras Battalion of The North Caribbean Force; British Honduras Police Force; Defense Force, British Honduras Volunteers Guard; former members of HM Prison Service and The Fire Brigade and Belize Forestry Unit. Belizeans resident in The United States, Canada and abroad who enlisted in or served in any of Her Majesty's Forces or Local Force and have been honorably discharged there from are eligible for membership and are encouraged to join.

The organization whose motto is, "UNITED WE STAND-SERVICE, NOT SELF" originally organ-ized to foster comradeship and espirit-de-corps among comrades in the New York metropolitan area but, very early on, it was agreed that its mission must of necessity be broad based and indeed to champion the interest of Belize Ex-Servicemen, their widows and orphans, and foster the cause of ex-servicemen generally.

No funds are derived from The Government of Belize and its financial base is membership dues, donations and fund raising events such as dances, boat rides, bus rides, outings and other social activities.

There is in place a financial plan designed to assist in the burial of comrades and in times of sickness. Colonel D.N.A. Fairweather, CBE, ED, ADMIRE, well known Commandant of the Volunteer Guard was pleased to accept the organization's invitation to be Patron and served as such until his demise a few years ago. Major Gilroy E. Lewis -MBE (Military Division) ED is his successor Patron.

Election of officers are held every two (2) years to fill the posts of President; First Vice-President; Second Vice-President; Third Vice-President; Secretary; Assistant Secretary; Treasurer; Assistant Treasurer; Sergeant-At-Arms; Auditor; Chaplain and House Chaplain. There is a Management Committee comprising all elected officials and two (2) comrades representing the membership.
The League is assisted by a very loyal group of ladies (including wives of the members) with¬out whom very little would or could have been accomplished and the League takes this opportu¬nity to thank them for their constant and consistent support from the organization's inception to present.


The entertainment calendar of the Belize Ex-Servicemen's League of New York offers monthly activities guaranteed to meet our entertainment needs. The exception is during the Lenten season when we put a hold on all league sponsored activities.

Our events so far for this year have been great in all respet his can be credited in part to the tireless work and dedication of the Social Committee led by the 2nd Vice President, Fitzroy Goldson. In addition, our members and supporters have turned out faithfully, even braving the snow for our first event, the New Years Party! This was followed by Valentine's Party, April's Bus Ride to Atlantic City, Mothers' Day Party, League Anniversary Church/ Reception, Fathers' Day Party and our recent second Bus ride to Atlantic City. As the well known calypso song goes, "We Got It Going On"!

Captain Wilkins was well known for 'thinking out loud', speaking when he was not spoken to, and had a reputation as the most 'opinionated' officer. How he ever managed to pass the Officer Selection Board is anybody's guess! Some speculated that it was due to politics and others figured that since his father was an Ex-Serviceman he had the edge. Wilkins was a pilot in the Air Wing with six years experience and had passed the Qualified Flying Officers course with flying colors. He was without doubt the Wings best pilot.

Bacrah is a small under populated Caribbean country. General elections were com¬ing up shortly and the Prime Minister planned to do a countrywide tour, utilizing his country's military assets.

Colonel Rapadora summoned Captain Wilkins to his office and briefed him as follows: "Wilkins, Prime Minister has requested a flight to the south this weekend. He will be accompanied by his wife, his Secretary and his Security. He would like a low flight so he could see the agricultural and mar cultural farms on the way south. You are the designat-ed pilot. Now Wilkins, I know you very well! I ask only that you fly and hold your tongue. Oh, by the way, I have nominated you to attend the next Staff Officers course in Canada which comes up in six weeks time. We are only awaiting ministerial approval and confir-mation. Good luck!"

"Thank you Sir". Wilkins saluted and left. His first thought was to call his girlfriend to let her know they would not be going to the cays on Saturday as planned.

The Prime Minister arrived thirty minutes late, much to Wilkins dismay. He briefed him and his team without enthusiasm, seated them, checked and received clearance from air traffic control and took off. Twenty minutes out as they flew over a small village, the Prime Minister took some money out of a briefcase and dropped it out the window.
"I just made five Bacrah happy!" he exclaimed. Wilkins held his tongue. On passing a larger village he dropped an even larger batch of money.
"That ought to make at least fifty Bacrah happy," said the Prime Minister. Wilkins held his tongue. As they circled awaiting permission to land over the main city, the Prime Minister turned to Wilkins and asked,"How much Bacrah do you think I should make happy here?" This time Wilkins did not hold his tongue.
"Prime Minister, I think you should jump out the plane and make all Bacrah happy!"

The Belize Ex-Servicemen's League of New York celebrated its thirty firstth (31th) anniversary on Sunday 6th June, 2010 with a Church service followed by a reception for its members and supporters.

The League is served spiritually by Father Lloyd Taylor as Chaplain and Brother Cruz Martinez as the In-House Chaplain.

Belize Ex-Servicemen's League of New York is registered as a non-sectarian, nonpolitical and non-profit organization under the laws of New York.

The League was formed for "the purpose of guiding the destiny of financial mem¬bers and the mutual association to the general welfare of themselves and of those who shall associate themselves in the future cultivating the social principles of humanity by rendering assistance to each other as well as the unfortunate in times of need".

By Fitzroy Goldson

It was in April of 1976 that I first met Corporal Earl (Bob) Arthurs who inspired and convinced me to join the Police Special Force (PSF). Bob's career took him all the way to Brigadier General and was the second Commandant, Belize Defence Force. Many have contributed to my career and growth within the service, howev¬er, two persons (other than Bob) helped me early whilst I was in training. The first was Sergeant Adolph Lucas, now a Justice of the Supreme Court of Belize, who was my Criminal Law Lecturer. The other was Assistant Inspector of Police Charles Good (deceased), who enhanced discipline in me. Charles retired as a Captain in the Belize Defence Force. The support and encouragement from these three great men led me to give 17 years service to the Police Force.

Presently, I am the 2nd Vice President of the Belize Ex - Servicemen League of New York, with the responsibility to organize the Social/Entertainment program that is approved by the League. I am assisted by a social committee comprising Mr. James Lopez (retired Belize Volunteer Guard), Mr. Godfrey Williams, (retired Belize Fire Serviceman), Miss Margaret Arana (retired Belize Defence Force), Mrs. Sharon Roca and Miss Aldith Westby (Associate members). Twenty five per¬cent (25%) of funds raised at our activities go into our benefit and welfare fund, which is made up of members' dues.


`All Ex - Servicemen (BHVG, BVG, BDF, Police, PSF, Prison, Fire service, Forestry) in the Tristate area are encouraged to activate their membership with the league.
Greetings to the officers and members of The Belize Ex- Servicemen League of New York Inc.

As we look forward to the second half of this year 2010, let us approach it with eagerness and dedication.
  Message from the President
I think that our President, Wesley Bede Augustus Pitts Sr., is the happiest person I have known. I mean, nothing bothers this man.
As Vice President of the league, my primary function was to oversee the execution of the entertainment program. Now under the leadership of Mr. Goldson, the Social Committee is responsible to the Management Committee to plan and execute all events forecasted on the entertainment program. I am grateful for the work all members of the League continue to undertake to make our organization successful.

  ------By Joseph Roca

The League Celebrates 31st!


Over thirty members turned out in uniform to support the family of the late Captain Neville Ray Panton passed away in Ney York City earlier this year. Following the church serv¬ice the League sponsored a repast at its headquarters.

Better known as 'Mr P', Captain Panton was a well known pharmacist in Belize and an officer of the British Honduras Volunteer Guard and the Belize Volunteer Guard.

A special monthly meeting was held on May 2nd, 2010 for the purpose of electing offi¬cers to full the vacant posts of Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. The new Assistant Secretary is Associate member Aldith Westby and the new Assistant Treasurer is Ex Service member Phillip Flowers.

League members Forrester, Emerson Anderson, Edison Elrington, Myrna Martin, Knox Cummerbatch, Fitzroy Goldson, Hubert Cain and Lydia Wright turned out to support 'Friends Supporting the Diocese of Belize' on the occasion of their 20th anniversary. Congratulations to Lydia Wright who was one of the Honorees at the occasion.

The Constitution and By Laws of the Belize Ex Servicemen League of New York, Revised Edition, February 2010, was completed and distributed to members. Significant changes include an increase in benefits to members and the incorporation for the acceptance of associate members into the league.

The League welcomes Kammeel Gullap and Mauzlyn Vernon as new associate mem¬bers of the league. We look forward to their full participation in league activities.

Congratulations from the President, Officers and members of the league to Michael Pitts and Margaret Arana, who exchanged wedding vows on Friday 22nd of August, 2010. We wish you all of God's blessing and a successful life together.
Continued on Page: 8


Members of the league attended the funereal service of former Belize Police Officer George Bell in Cambria Heights, Queens, on Friday July 2, 2010.


Air condition units were installed at both our headquarters and recreation hall for the use and convenience of our members.


Members of the league are supporting an initiative lead by Norman Bennett to send new backpacks and school supplies to Belize for needy children in rural Belize. The effort will be coordinated through the Ministry of Education.


The League received a thank you letter from the Belize National Heritage Library thanking us for including them in the distribution of our newsletter. It was also requested that any other documents, information or memorabilia of historical importance, be forwarded to them for recording and or safekeeping. This may be done directly or through the league Secretary.

From then ‘til now !
PROFILE August 2010
President .....................
Vice President .............
2nd Vice President .......
3rd Vice President ........
Secretary .....................
Asst. Secretary ............
Treasurer .....................
Asst. Treasurer ............
Sergeant at Arms ........
Auditor .......................
Committee Members ...
W. Bede Pitts Sr.
Joseph Roca
Fitzroy Goldson
Emerson Anderson
Hubert Cain
Aldith Westby
Ray Bernardez
Phillip Flowers
Jimmy Lopez
James Stephens
James Locke
Eddie Elrington
The remainder of our entertainment calendar for this year is as follows:
August 21st, 2010
BBQ Social Evening for our Sick
                  and Shut in 

September 18th, 2010
Belize Independence
            Anniversary Dance  

October 30th, 2010
Atlantic City Bus Ride

November 20th, 2010
         Annual thanksgiving Dinner                    (members only)
December 18th, 2010
Annual Christmas Party
Father Lloyd Taylor
- League's Chaplin -
Prosperous and successful organizations are those that take a balanced approach in the conduct of their business. They live and work on the material plain of life but they do not fail to remember God and their neighbors in all that they do. Following the examples of Jesus the Christ they worship and pray to God as they use their resources to address the needs of their members and the community. Their work is founded upon love, justice, peace arid good will.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

Basic to the Christian religion is faith. To hold the Christian faith is to accept and practice what Jesus the Christ believed about God and practiced in his daily life, while he was on earth.

Jesus had a simple, but dynamic faith. He saw himself as the Son of God in whom the Spirit of God dwelt. The Holy Spirit being creative, powerful, wise, intelli-gent, omniscient and omnipresent, caused him to be and do all things that were good, perfect and whole. The Spirit of God so empowered him, that he was able to subdue evil in whatever form it appeared.
Jesus used his time and talent to bring life, hope arid healing to the sick and those who experienced hopelessness and promised that his disciples would do even greater works than he did. As disciples of Christ, therefore, we must believe that we too have access to the power of God and that God, through His Spirit who lives in us, will cause us to transform the broken and the distorted into health, wholeness of life, truth and justice.

The Belize Ex-servicemen's League of New York strives to be a successful and prosperous organization. Even as we bring people together for parties, boat and bus rides we do not neglect lo worship and pray regularly. We are a service organization and we teach our members to serve the community without reservation. This is why we are including writings entitled - "For Your Meditation" - in this and future editions of our newsletter. We are hoping that it will be of some help to you our readers
Succesful Organizations
Special mention:
1st. Chaplain: Rt. Rev. Bishop Raymond Hanlan
"Chaplain Emeritus"
The Belize Ex-Servicemen's League of New York Inc.
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Belize Ex-Servicemen's League of New York Inc.